October 24, 2020
I've thought about so many different ways to share this magical day, but it's so hard to figure out how to capture how perfect this moment was for us.
To give you more of a little back story, Chris and I have been dating for almost 4.5 years now. We started talking the summer after our freshman year of college at Lander University. After our first date, I think we both knew this was it. We have always just clicked with each other. Our interests, personality, humor, its always just worked well for us. Not to say we've never had our moments with each other, nothings ever absolutely perfect. But it can sure be close. Our whole relationship has been spent going back and forth between our college town of Greenwood where Chris lives, and my home here in Spartanburg. I think driving an hour and a half to each other all these years is definitely a sign of dedication.
So let's skip forward from June 4th, 2016, the day Chris asked me to be his girlfriend, to October 24th, 2020, the day he asked me to be his wife.
As we all know, 2020 has been quite the year. With everything going on this summer my family decided to hold off on our summer beach trip. My parent's wedding anniversary is Oct 17th, so this year we decided to take our beach vacation this week. Surprisingly, it was still summer in Charleston, SC during this week this year, so it worked out perfectly. Chris and I drove down to the beach during the middle of the week so we wouldn't miss too much work. But little did I know, this beach trip was way more than just a vacation.
On our last day of the trip, Chris and I spent our day doing all of my favorite things in Charleston. We had lunch downtown at Fleet Landing and went shopping around town. After we got done shopping, we headed back to the condo to get ready for dinner. Before dinner, Chris wanted to stop on Sullivans Island at Fort Moultrie to watch the sunset. For a little back story, in February, we came down to Charleston for SEWE and we did this exact same thing! So I didn't find it too strange that he wanted to go back.
Once we got to Sullivans Island, we took a walk along the beach. On our way back down the beach, we walked all the way down to the large opening of the beach where you have the perfect views of the sunset and the Charleston Bridge.

It was here that Chris turned me around and got down on one knee. It was at this moment that I realized the photographer shooting a mom and baby was actually here for us and that both of our parents were up on top of the hill. Everything about this moment was so perfect and I'm so proud of Chris for planning out every small detail of this day.

After I said yes, our parents came running down and our sweet photographer Nicole took more sweet pictures of this moment. During one of the poses, she had me look off to the ocean over Chris's shoulder and there were dolphins literally jumping in the ocean. This pod of dolphins had been playing in the ocean the entire time, which means when Chris proposed dolphins literally jumped out of the ocean! And that is goals.

Here's me saying "DOLPHINS"
I am so thankful and blessed to have such an amazing moment for Chris and me, and both of our families. Now, let's get married!!! October 24th, 2021!

Engagement Photographer: Nicole Fehr Photography
