Hi Friends!
Today I am so excited to finally share all of Evelyn Marie's nursery details with you!
This pregnancy flew by faster than I could have ever imagined, so I'm so glad I got started on the nursery when I did. As soon as we had our genetic test results, I started designing mock-ups of the cutest Charleston/Grandmillennial-themed baby girl nursery I could! As soon as the gender was confirmed on our anatomy scan, I started painting. My goal was to have everything done by 30 weeks pregnant, and I'm so glad I was able to do just that!
The Perfect Paint Color

Picking out the perfect pale pink color for the room was my first task in designing the nursery! With the position of the window in the far corner of the room, there isn't much natural lighting in the back of the room. This made finding a true pale pink color difficult. After multiple trips to Ace Hardware and Lowes, and swatching tons of pinks from several brands, I decided on First Light by Benjamin Moore. I wanted a shade of pale pink that had more of a grey tone and this shade is just that in our lighting!
The Furniture

When I started designing the nursery, I planned around the classic white Jenny Lind Crib. This spindle-style crib fit perfectly with my vision of a classic pink nursery.

Shopping for the other bigger pieces in the nursery was a little bit more challenging than I thought it would be. Trying to find the perfect girly pieces that didn't break the bank was a task. I fell in love with Pottery Barn Kids' scalloped collection, especially the bookshelf. I grew up having a full bookshelf, so I knew that I wanted Evelyn to have a bookshelf that could grow with her. This piece ended up being the splurge piece in the room because it was perfect for my vision!

I also really loved the DaVinci Relaxing Recliner but it was way more than I wanted to spend on a white chair that could potentially see a lot of wear and tear. I ended up finding the perfect Amazon look-alike for way less, and it's perfect! I love that it is an electric recliner, so it's super quiet going up and down. It's also a bonus that it has a USB charging port!

The dresser was another piece that I had a hard time picking out. Given the size of the room, most 9-drawer dressers were too big for the space. I had my eye on several bamboo-style dressers, but I was never able to find one that wasn't listed for over $1000. So I ended up on Facebook Marketplace and found the perfect vintage-style dresser to refinish. The color I went with for the dresser is Sherwin Williams Stardew (SW 9138). We finished off the look with gold bamboo-style pulls from Amazon!
The Artwork

Charleston, SC has always been one of my favorite places to go, and it holds so many special memories in Chris and my relationship. This set of watercolor Charleston prints has three places that all bring back some of my favorite Charleston memories.

The first print of the pineapple reminds me of the day Chris proposed. Chris and I spent the entire day downtown Charleston before we got engaged on Sulllivan's Island at sunset. Rainbow Row was another Charleston adventure memory from SEWE in 2020. This was the day when Chris picked out where he would propose a year later. The final print is the grounds at Magnolia Plantation, where I had my bridal portraits taken!
More Details

I am so happy with how Evelyn's room turned out! I am so excited to watch our little girl grow up in this room, and to see how this room transforms as she grows!

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